Baltimore City Schools
Addressing enrollment issues with digital marketing and accessibility implementations.
What We Did
The Challenge
Having been away for almost two years and coming off of the COVID-19 pandemic, BCPS found meeting enrollment standards of pre-k and kindergarten students to be challenging. BCPS needed to establish a strong academic foundation for them in their early years, but didn’t know where they were. The families of pre-k children with older siblings were easy to identify, but they were essentially tapping into an unknown audience and as a result, reached out to Greenflag seeking strategy

The Execution
We first had to figure out where the traffic was coming from pre pandemic and then either try to reestablish that pipeline or build a new one. We deduced with some SEO research that the bulk of enrollment sign ups were coming from a select a few pages that were ranking rather well. Due to the time constraint, we decided to take a more aggressive approach with Paid media, specifically Social media Ads and Google search ads. After one month we had increased sign ups significantly but we didn't stop there. We established a retargeting campaign for users who had clicked through our ads but didn't convert. In an effort to cover all bases.
As for web development, we assigned a light team of 3 to implement the necessary front and back end code bases to bring the site up to date and ready to receive "Pandemic web traffic"

Measured Impact
Greenflag has also recorded post launch metrics
48% Increase in Enrollment | 281% Increase in CTR

Client Testimonial
Other Work

Get in Touch!
Before we talk, we'll review your branding and online presence. Then, during our meeting, we'll go over what we found and what we think you can do to improve online.
No obligation.